It’s been a while, a long while. Life has been happening. Is it just me, or does it seem like this country has lost its identity? Seriously, people are now furries and drag queens are all about the kids. Children, not of legal age to get a tattoo, buy cigarettes, sign a contract, or live on their own, are considered mature enough to decide on permanent sex-change mutilations and a lifetime of drugs. No parental consent needed or allowed.
The liberal democrats are turning the clock backwards on all the progress we have made by turning minorities into victims with no possibility of success without government intervention. People from all over the world enter our country illegally. They are treated like VIPs, while our own veterans and homeless are ignored.
Pro-Palestinian supporters flood college campuses and major cities promoting violence against Jews, chanting in ignorance “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
Every other flag is flaunted, while the American flag is burned. Every other religion is respected, while Christianity is mocked.
The Commander-in-Chief is AWOL. The Vice-President is clueless. The media spoon feeds the desired narrative to the people and the people gobble it up unwilling to find the truth for themselves. Uneducated college graduates spout Marxist beliefs promoting socialism and communism as the new utopia, while the immigrants that escaped it cannot believe that this country is moving towards it.
Woe to us! Everything is topsy-turvy. This country needs to go back to its roots. Stop following the fools who proceed to deceive us. Find your common sense and don’t be afraid to speak it out loud.