Upside Down

Stranger things have never been so commonplace. A place where common sense has abandoned the mind, logic has left the side of reason, and the upside down is now the world we are living in.

The real upside down is not about shadows, zombies, and Russian agents. It is the new normal, a jumpstart to a global reset. A world without absolutes. A topsy turvy, whatever feels right, ignore the reality staring you in the face, hear no truth kind of world. The upside down is the black hole of opposites. Here, science is not followed or even taught. Critical race theory runs rampant. Black is the new White. Darkness overshadows the Light. Hate rules the Heart. Division destroys Unity. Anger strikes down Truth. Mobs run the streets attacking anyone who dares to have an opinion. False doctrines are rammed down your throat. Accept the lies or be canceled.

It is time to walk the road less traveled. For “…narrow is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:14). The way out of the upside down will be uphill all the way. You will need to make your way through the swamp of ignorance enlightening those who are drowning in darkness. Trudge through the forest of foolishness as you bring back science. Tear through the web of deceit as you free those brainwashed by fake news. Don’t be fooled. It will require civil disobedience against the government as you stand your ground against the enemies of the Constitution and the Bible. What?!

Anyone familiar with the Bible is aware that therein lies the principles that our foundation was built on. Everything, (from gender identity, marriage, family, purpose, equality, law, human rights, nature, and even how to treat your neighbor) is in the Bible. This country was founded on biblical principles. Whether you like it or not, that is the truth. It provides law and order . It promotes true equality. It puts government in its place. And that is the real reason why the upside down is here. The government knows that in order for socialism to take over this country it must completely destroy everything this country was built on, which means getting rid of the belief in God’s word and our God-given rights.

It’s time to leave the upside down. See you on the other side.